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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题
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ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:02
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West Point & cadet Jul 4, 2009


十几年前我家小猴上高二时,我出差去纽约。我抽空去西点军校参观,并索取了一些招生材料。 儿子看了很感兴趣,但报考西点军校得要议员级人物推荐,故只好作罢。 不过他被 Virginia Tech 录取,并被批准为一名 cadet (士官生)。 后来 U. of Wisconsin - Madison 也发来录取通知书,所以他最后去了 U. of Wisconsin。西点军校的学生作息时间是早上6点起床,午夜12点就寝
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十几年前我家小猴上高二时,我出差去纽约。我抽空去西点军校参观,并索取了一些招生材料。 儿子看了很感兴趣,但报考西点军校得要议员级人物推荐,故只好作罢。 不过他被 Virginia Tech 录取,并被批准为一名 cadet (士官生)。 后来 U. of Wisconsin - Madison 也发来录取通知书,所以他最后去了 U. of Wisconsin。西点军校的学生作息时间是早上6点起床,午夜12点就寝。 我与一位士官生聊天时说,你们这个作息时间排得够紧的。 他说,这个作息时间是根据 smart 的学生安排的。言外之意,less smart 的学生就只好再辛苦点了。

目前,美国非军事院校中只有 Virginia Tech 和 Texas A.M. 还保留了 cadet 制度。学生毕业后可以选择入伍。据说 Virginia Tech 历届毕业生中成为将军的人数仅次于 West Point。

Jason Ma
Jason Ma  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:02
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您疾恶如仇可以理解 Jul 4, 2009

ysun wrote:

Jason Ma wrote:





邓玉娇只不过是一个弱女子。她面对威逼利诱拼死反抗,纯粹是出于朴素的自卫意识(当然,其精神可嘉)。 她只不过是在无意之中造成了防卫过当的后果,并非是有意为民除害,更谈不上故意杀人。 当时邓贵大之流是志在必得。如果邓玉娇不拼死反抗,事情结局可想而知。 巴东县公安局以“故意杀人罪”立案,说明他们不但是法盲,甚至连 common sense 都没有。 据说,后来有高层干预了此案,否则那律师再有本事恐怕也白搭。


[Edited at 2009-07-04 05:22 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:02
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法律与长官意志 Jul 4, 2009

Jason Ma wrote:





尽管邓贵大罪不该死,但当时情况不是鱼死就是网破。这大概也是老天爷偏要绝他。我前几天说,“这世界上还有金钱买不到的东西。其实,这是人生最简单的道理。 那个死在“梦幻城”的色鬼邓贵大死就死在他根本就不懂这个最简单的道理,以为金钱万能。” 他以为他掏出一大叠钞票,邓玉娇就会就范,但没想到却栽倒在这个小女子手里。

Jason Ma
Jason Ma  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:02
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Guida makes the bed, Guida sleeps it Jul 5, 2009

Secretly speaking, I am quite contended with the outcome of this lawsuit. Somehow I feel it might be the will of Heaven for Guida to meet his end at that dance club.

[Edited at 2009-07-05 04:17 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:02
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邓鬼大自己铺床寿终正寝 Jul 5, 2009

Jason Ma wrote:

Guida makes the bed, Guida sleeps it

Secretly speaking, I am quite contended with the outcome of this lawsuit. Somehow I feel it might be the will of Heaven for Guida to meet his end at that dance club.

[Edited at 2009-07-05 04:17 GMT]


我完全同意你的意见。那邓鬼大完全是咎由自取、自作自受。 不过,虽然邓玉娇应该从轻发落,但如果说“邓玉娇属尚未完全丧失辨认或者控制自己行为能力的精神病人”,却有点牵强附会。 依我看,她的精神非常正常。 但是,我认为邓玉娇是被迫自卫,其性质属于正当防卫,只是超过必要限度而已。换言之,是防卫过当。 如果她当时不自卫,或者她手无寸铁,那么在那两个色鬼面前,她的下场必将很惨。 即使不死,也将是痛不欲生。再说,她并非是故意想把邓鬼大杀死。 那只不过是误杀而已。在那种情况下,防卫的程度很难把握。再说,她还有自首情节,理应从轻发落。 《中华人民共和国刑法》第二十条规定:“正当防卫明显超过必要限度造成重大损害的,应当负刑事责任,但是应当减轻或者免除处罚”。 我觉得,法官对于邓玉娇是网开一面,颇有法外开恩的意思。这里面也不排除有上面的长官旨意。 无论如何,这个判决是顺应民意的。 那色鬼邓鬼大死就死了吧,毫不足惜。网上已有人为他开了“追悼会”,致了“悼词”,也算对得起他了。 这种人多一个对社会没什么好处,少一个对社会也没什么坏处。或许那也是天意。

此案有许多发人深思的地方。例如据报道,“闻讯赶来的领班阮某某,对邓鬼大、黄德智解释邓玉娇不是水疗区服务员”。 这是什么逻辑?难道“水疗区服务员”就理所当然地应当提供色情服务了吗? 可见,在某种人心目中,认为只要有钱就可以让别人提供任何服务,什么都可以买;而另一种人则认为,只要出个好价钱,就什么都可以卖。 有时候,这两种观点会集中在同一人身上。 那丝毫也不值得奇怪,因为这种人是金钱至上者,当他们在不同时间处于买方或卖方的不同场合时,所奉行的信条是一样的。 相比之下,当邓鬼大掏出一大叠钞票时,邓玉娇说给钱也不提供“服务”,这种气节真是令人敬佩!

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:02
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"You made your bed, now sleep in it" Jul 6, 2009

... that is so true.

Take the late Michael Jackson for instance. There are rumors swirling around that to counter his insomnia, he resorted to using Diprivan, a powerful anesthetic, even after being warned of the potential danger.

My oral surgeon used the
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... that is so true.

Take the late Michael Jackson for instance. There are rumors swirling around that to counter his insomnia, he resorted to using Diprivan, a powerful anesthetic, even after being warned of the potential danger.

My oral surgeon used the same type of drug to knock me out during my dental implant. I was real anxious about the procedure for fear of not waking up, even though I wasn't fully aware of the risk involved at the time. I told the doctor that I'd rather suffer some pain but stay alert - Somehow I had a hunch that it was not something that should be taken lightly. Eventually both he and my dentist talked me into signing the consent form to be put under.

From what I read recently, the drug acts as a depressant on one's central nervous system. It slows down one's breathing and heart rate. Without proper medical supervision, it could lead to cardiac arrest.

If only the King of Pop had listened.

[Edited at 2009-07-06 21:25 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:02
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有感 Jul 6, 2009

良药苦于口而利于病 忠言逆于耳而利于行

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:02
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crime on the rise Jul 15, 2009


For your awareness. I hope it's only a temporary problem.

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:02
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Thanks for the alert! Jul 15, 2009


Thanks for the alert! I believe our community is quite safe. Most of homes have installed a very good security system, and we also have a good Neighborhood Crime Watch Program in place. It seems that the burglaries mostly took place in the apartments in NW Austin. Tenants in apartments usually have more complicated backgrounds. They come and go very frequently, and usually don’t know each other. Such a situation gives strangers more opportunities to commit crimes. Ma
... See more

Thanks for the alert! I believe our community is quite safe. Most of homes have installed a very good security system, and we also have a good Neighborhood Crime Watch Program in place. It seems that the burglaries mostly took place in the apartments in NW Austin. Tenants in apartments usually have more complicated backgrounds. They come and go very frequently, and usually don’t know each other. Such a situation gives strangers more opportunities to commit crimes. Many apartment owners have to install a steel security gate on their doors and install steel bars on their windows. It sounds paradoxical that the poorer a community, the less safe it tends to be.

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:02
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法国国庆日 Jul 16, 2009

法国国庆期间三百多辆车被烧毁 二百多人被捕

Happy Bastille Day!

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:02
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Rash of burglaries Jul 16, 2009

ysun wrote:


Thanks for the alert! I believe our community is quite safe. Most of homes have installed a very good security system, and we also have a good Neighborhood Crime Watch Program in place. It seems that the burglaries mostly took place in the apartments in NW Austin. Tenants in apartments usually have more complicated backgrounds. They come and go very frequently, and usually don’t know each other. Such a situation gives strangers more opportunities to commit crimes. Many apartment owners have to install a steel security gate on their doors and install steel bars on their windows. It sounds paradoxical that the poorer a community, the less safe it tends to be.


Yes. Generally speaking, people who choose to rent, for whatever reasons, are typically less rooted or involved in a community compared to those who own their home. Hopefully, that was just a rash of burglaries that ocurred over the 4th of July weekend. Like a lot of other things, it too will pass.

BTW, I don't want to leave the wrong impression about Austin, and especially about Northwest Austin. Austin ranks very high in public safety; and NW Austin is a wonderful neighborhood to live in.

Austin is consistently ranked among the three safest cities per capita of any size in many categories and for many reasons, especially because annually, per 100,000 people there are fewer than 5 people murdered.

NW Austin is an upscale affluent area that is considered 'yuppieville' by some locals. Especially the old Austin south of the river.

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:02
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Best Places to Live 2009 Jul 16, 2009

wherestip wrote:

BTW, I don't want to leave the wrong impression about Austin, and especially about Northwest Austin. Austin ranks very high in public safety; and NW Austin is a wonderful neighborhood to live in.


I definitely agree with you. Here is a list of the 10 best places to live in 2009 ranked by U.S. News.

U.S. News looked at areas with strong economies, low living costs, and plenty of fun things to do

Here's our list of the 10 best places to live:
1. Albuquerque, N.M.
2. Auburn, Ala.
3. Austin, Texas
4. Boise, Idaho
5. Durham, N.C.
6. La Crosse, Wis.
7. Loveland, Colo.
8. San Luis Obispo, Calif.
9. St. Augustine, Fla.
10. Upper St. Clair, Pa.

Austin, Texas is a great place to live. The national media has been giving Austin lots of recognition the last few years. Here are some of the highlights -

• Austin ranks 2nd among the 10 Best Places to Live judging on financial, educational, and quality of life criteria by Money Magazine, July 2006
• Austin ranks as the 3rd Smartest City in the country by, June 2006
• Austin ranks 2nd among the "50 Best Places to Live" by Men's Journal, March 2006.
• Austin ranks 2nd among the Top 10 Best Big Cities in country by 2006
• Austin ranks as the 2nd Best Place to Live for Moviemakers by Moviemaker Magazine, Dec. 2005
• Austin was ranked 1st among US cities for "Best Cities for Future Business Locations" by Management magazine.
• Austin ranks in the Top 5 “Smartest Places to Live” by Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, June 06
• Austin ranks 3rd Best Wireless Place to Live in America by, June 2005
• Austin was voted the Best Place to Live for Future Business Locations by Expansion Magazine, August 2006
• Austin ranks 8th in Reader’s Digest list of America’s Cleanest Cities
• Austin is among the Coolest Cities for Young Professionals according to
• Austin ranks 3rd in a list of America’s Most Innovative Cities by the Wall Street Journal
• Austin ranks as the 4th best city in Overall Standard of Living by Expansion Magazine
• Austin ranks 3rd in the country for most Wireless Internet Access Points by Intel, Oct. 2006
• Austin is the “Live Music Capitol of the World” American Way Magazine June 2005

Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:02
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上海大楼倒塌处理方案(内参) Jul 19, 2009



wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:02
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Sizzle Jul 23, 2009


How do you like the hot weather these days in Austin?

In case you missed it, here's yesterday's CBS Evening News. At the end of the segment, Katie Couric reported on the current drought in Austin ... Well, it's severe enough to have made the national news.
... See more

How do you like the hot weather these days in Austin?

In case you missed it, here's yesterday's CBS Evening News. At the end of the segment, Katie Couric reported on the current drought in Austin ... Well, it's severe enough to have made the national news.

[Edited at 2009-07-23 21:17 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:02
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Not too bad Jul 23, 2009


Yes, it’s not as comfortable these days in Austin as it is in Colorado. We have to turn on our air conditioning 24 hrs a day. However, we had some much needed rain yesterday and the day before yesterday in our surrounding area. It seems that the rain in our area was much heavier than the rain in downtown Austin. We turned off the air conditioning for a few hours, but felt very humid although the temperature was not high. Finally, we had to turn it on again. Anyway, I
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Yes, it’s not as comfortable these days in Austin as it is in Colorado. We have to turn on our air conditioning 24 hrs a day. However, we had some much needed rain yesterday and the day before yesterday in our surrounding area. It seems that the rain in our area was much heavier than the rain in downtown Austin. We turned off the air conditioning for a few hours, but felt very humid although the temperature was not high. Finally, we had to turn it on again. Anyway, I am used to the hot weather.

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