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Search results: (72 matches)
Money matters Has anyone ever had an agency tell them they weren't charging enough? Twice The first time was very similar to Samuel's
experience. I quote "double" the price that was
"fair" in my town. The PM responded they would
love to pay more, so they doubled the amount
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Oct 28, 2014
Off topic All you need is Ecuador! Thanks! Thanks to all who have replied to this
post. It is true it has nothing to do with
translation -that´s why it´s in the Off-topic
thread- but I felt like it would be something to
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Apr 23, 2014
Off topic All you need is Ecuador! Like nowhere else, ALL in one place, so
close... Galapagos, Pacific Coast, Andes,
Amazon. Ecuador is a beautiful place! I
hope you all like this video, -Ecuador´s new
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Apr 1, 2014 training Free webinar - Enjoy translation with SDL Trados Studio 2014! Getting started with Studio 2014 New features compared to Studio 2011 Hello, I already use Trados Studio 2011. I´d
like to know what are the differences between
Studio 2011 and 2014 in order to make my decision
regarding upgrading. Will this course be talk
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Feb 17, 2014
Spanish Quito - Atiec - Taller de redacción en español Suerte! Patricia, Espero que les vaya muy bien con el
taller en Quito. Yo me apunto desde ya para el
mismo taller, pero para cuando vengas a Cuenca!
;) Te mando muchos abrazos, Elena
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Oct 17, 2013
Spanish Trados Studio para iPad Gracias a todos!! Sus comentarios han sido muy
útiles!! Nuestra idea de instalar Trados en
iPad no es para tenerlo como herramienta principal
de trabajo; tenemos una oficina bien equipada y
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Jan 11, 2013
Spanish Trados Studio para iPad Queridos colegas: Hace algunos meses se
publicó en un medio (Facebook? Proz?) un anuncio
referente a la instalación de Trados en iPad. Yo
lo vi y me pareció algo útil, pero n
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Jan 4, 2013
Language Industry Events & Announcements ATIEC (Ecuador) organiza Taller de Buenas Prácticas Este taller es excelente! Un buen grupo de colegas de Cuenca lo
recibimos en octubre 2011 y quedamos muy
satisfechos con los contenidos compartidos por
Els. Esta vez se anexarán contenidos básicos
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Jul 10, 2012
Trados support Working with the same TM and termbase in two different computers at the same time. Trados Studio Freelance Plus 2011 and Dropbox Hello and thanks for your responses. We are
using Studio 2011 Freelance Plus. We have our
TMs and TBs in Dropbox. These can be opened in
both computers without any problem. If
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Feb 8, 2012
Trados support Working with the same TM and termbase in two different computers at the same time. Hello, Franco (my husband) and me are
working in two different translation projects for
the same client. We have a translation memory
and a termbase for this client. We keep thes
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Feb 8, 2012
Spanish Ecuador - Curso de Word y Excel para traductores Próximamente en Cuenca!!!??? Hola Patricia: Qué bueno que se esté
organizando este taller! Les deseo que les vaya
muy bien. Quizás se podría empezar a
promocionar en Cuenca también. Si necesitan ayuda
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Nov 1, 2011 training I02-Interpreting: Consecutive, Level 1 I am sorry I missed it then... Dear Helen, Thank you for your kind answer. I
am very sorry to hear this webinar will not be
repeated live again, not in the near future
anyway! You know, just as a suggestion, perhaps
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Nov 1, 2011 training SDL Trados Studio Getting Started Session available afterwards Hello, I´d like to know if this SDL Trados
session I will attend will be recorded and
available for me to watch afterwards, just as the
other training sessions I have
purchased? Tha
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Oct 31, 2011 training I02-Interpreting: Consecutive, Level 1 Live session... Hello, I´d like to know if this webinar will be
offered 'live' again some time. I am interested in
the knowledge I will gain, but I also would like
to have a certificate of attendance.
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Oct 25, 2011
Spanish Question: ¿Dónde puedo conseguir una certificación en traducción en línea? Otra opción... Hola otra vez! Patricia tiene razón
respecto a los programas en traducción literaria
que ofrece SCPS, pero si no estoy mal eran del
alemán al español, y yo no conozco el alemán
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Oct 4, 2011
Spanish Question: ¿Dónde puedo conseguir una certificación en traducción en línea? Opciones en Ecuador Hola Patricio, Saludos desde
Cuenca!! Mira, nosotros también hemos estado
en busca de la misma información que tu
requieres. Así que hace años nos pusimos en
contacto con A
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Oct 3, 2011
Powwows Powwow: Cuenca - Ecuador Gracias! Gracias Patricia! En realidad fue iniciativa de
varios colegas, yo simplemente estoy ayudando a
organizar. También espero que muchos colegas
puedan asistir!! : ) Saludos y abrazos de
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina May 27, 2011
Powwows Powwow: Cuenca - Ecuador Información del evento Almuerzo y paseo familiar para traductores e
intérpretes. Fecha: sábado 25 de junio de
2011 Hora: 13:00 - 17:00 Lugar: Hostería Caballo
Campana - Valor d
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina May 26, 2011 training New date for webinar Hello, The following webinar was cancelled a
few days ago due to technical
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Apr 20, 2011 training Seamos imprescindibles para el cliente: de la calidad a la fidelización Capacitación complementaria Solamente quería decir que esta capacitación
debería tomarse en cuenta como una segunda parte
o como capacitación complementaria al webinar
sobre "Cómo atraer clientes en Proz"; una
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Mar 23, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice Interesting article on translation history and the English language Thanks! Dear Gilla, I enjoyed this article very
much and I´m sharing it with those in my
team! Thanks a lot for posting it. Elena
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Feb 21, 2011
Marketing for language professionals Phrases/examples we can use to educate a client. Hello! I was wondering if you´d like to
share any phrases and/or examples you use to help
your clients understand better your work as a
translator/interpreter. One of my favorites
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Feb 17, 2011
Spanish Sobre la nueva Ortografía de la lengua española I agree... Yo también estoy de acuerdo con Javier
Marías y hasta me siento tentada a seguir su
ejemplo, pues él dice: "Yo no pienso seguir esta
norma..." (en el segundo artículo). A mí, e
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Feb 7, 2011
Lighter side of trans/interp Ancient rituals practiced by translators Great post! I feel like I´ve just been quite described by
Lady Strauss... how funny! : ) And what about
reading a book that has been poorly translated?
Don´t you go, "Oh my, this should read
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Feb 2, 2011 training Translation quality: A friendly, practical and realistic perspective Thanks!! Thanks for your answer, Fahd! I´m sure the
information you share with us will be of great
value, especially for me. See you at the
webinar. Elena
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Jan 21, 2011 training Translation quality: A friendly, practical and realistic perspective Quality Assurance Software Hello, I´d like to ask if as part of this
webinar you could present a few (or the best)
options of Q. A. Software for freelance
translators. Thanks, Elena
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Jan 13, 2011
Off topic Happy New Year to everybody!! From rainy Cuenca, in Ecuador... A Happy New Year to all and the best of the best
for 2011!! Blessings, Franco y Elena de
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Dec 31, 2010
Spanish Tristísima noticia sobre nuestra compañera Patricia Rosas Lo lamentamos... Nuestras condolencias para la familia de
Patricia. Que sea la paz inexplicable de Dios
la que llene sus corazones. Abrazos desde
Ecuador. Franco y Elena de Medina
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Dec 27, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: What software/tools do you use for bookkeeping? Chartered accountant A chartered accountant does all the
bookkeeping for us. Have a good
weekend. Elena
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Sep 24, 2010
Translation news Common translation errors Absolutely true!! "Bilingualism on its own is not a guarantee of
written fluency or skill in translation."
-TGIR Translation is a lot more than
bilingualism! It requires such elaborate language
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Sep 16, 2010
Translation news Bible translations reaching the 'last languages' Amazing... Wycliffe has really done a good job, and they´re
still working hard towards the goal of making
God´s Word known to every man´s language. Good
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Jun 3, 2010
Translation news Cebuano and Tagalog Bibles launched in Manila Praise the Lord!! It is always good to know that God´s Word is
becoming available to unreachead areas of the
world. 18 years of work is a pretty long time!
Good job, Bible translators!! : )
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina May 19, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: What is the golden rule of being a translator? Yes... I totally agree with Teresa Borges and
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina May 17, 2010
Translation Article Knowledgebase Article: Algunas de las dificultades de la traducción del inglés al español Buen trabajo!! Hola Patricia, Está muy bueno tu artículo, y
me ha sido muy útil! Muchas gracias por
compartirlo en este medio. Saludos, Elena
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Apr 12, 2010
Getting established Working in Ecuador Welcome to Ecuador!! Hola Elsie, Qué bueno saber que estás
viviendo en nuestro hermoso país! Te
recomiendo que te comuniques con Patricia Fierro,
fundadora de ATIEC.
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Feb 22, 2010
Off topic Anyone need a laugh? Awesome!! Jane, Thanks for sharing the link to a
combination of classical music plus lots of
laughs! Perfect combination, you´ve made my
day! I really enjoyed
it!! Blessings, Elena
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Dec 15, 2009's Virtual Conferences 2009 virtual conference: Suggestions for next year My suggestions... Hello Henry, First of all, thanks for all
your efforts into this event; for me it was great,
and I had no problems with sound
whatsoever. For the next virtual conference
I´d l
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Oct 1, 2009's Virtual Conferences 2009 virtual conference: Congratulations! Splendid conference organization! The best Translators´ Day for me so far!! Thank you soooooo much,! I had to
get up before 5am this morning because I didn´t
want to miss any part of this event, but I don´t
regret it, it was absolutely worth the ef
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Sep 30, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp Do you have typoglycemia? Probably! Wow! Hlleo Jnade, I jsut raed and uonotsredd the
wlohe acrtlie wtih no pelborm at all!!
Azmiang!! Deos taht mkae me a
tgcypmoyeilan?????? I dno´t mnid, I jsut hpoe
I dn´ot satrt
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Sep 3, 2009
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Online Proofreading Certification Check the following resource Hello Rayan, In you can find
information about translation related courses. I
have not had the time to go through all of the
options they give, but you might find so
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Jul 28, 2009
KudoZ What happened with the "find exact phrase" option in WTS? Hello, Does anyone know what happened with
the "find exact phrase" option in the Advance
Search section of Web Term Search? It was very
useful, specially when you get 10 or more page
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Jun 17, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Is it necessary to have formal translation training to be a good translator? Well... It´s been interesting to read the previous
opinions! Even though I don´t think "formal"
(as in College/University) translation training is
mandatory, I do favor "translation trainin
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina May 12, 2009
Linguistics Links to Researches on Native Language Interference A few links... Hello lai an, Thanks a lot for sending those
references, they are useful indeed. I have
collected a few other links related to the main
theme and related topics. I have not been a
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina May 8, 2009
Linguistics Links to Researches on Native Language Interference Dear ProZians, I´m working on a thesis
project and I was wondering if you know of a
University or any other organization that works on
and publishes their research on Native Language
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina May 5, 2009
Professional development How should I proceed? A source of information Hello Louise, I´m sorry to hear you failed the
test, but it´s good to see you keep a possitive
attitude towards training... keep going
forward!! There is a site called
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina May 1, 2009
Linguistics "How I Learn Languages" - a must read for all aspiring linguists Very interesting! Csaba, Thanks for sharing about this book!
It got here right on time for me since I´m
starting a thesis project about a topic related to
linguistics, so the information in the book,
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Apr 10, 2009
Professional development PhD / Advanced Masters in Translation and Intercultural Studies @ URV in Tarragona, Spain A source of information Hello Cristina, You can check out, they have information about
translation study programs in different countries,
though not all of them are online. I hope it
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Apr 7, 2009
Software applications I´d like your comments concerning WhiteSmoke Thanks! Thanks Oscar! Very useful information indeed,
specially because I was just about to purchase WS
in a special offer! I thought it was a good deal good thing I asked first, eh!
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Mar 19, 2009
Software applications I´d like your comments concerning WhiteSmoke Dear colleagues, I´m thinking about
purchasing WhiteSmoke, the English grammar
assistance software. I was wondering if you can
share your experience with me, in case you have
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Mar 19, 2009
Off topic Wonderful music video ('Stand by me' performed together by musicians around the world) Good job! Whoever did the job of putting it all together
did really good!! Thanks for
sharing, Elena
Ma.Elena Carrión de Medina Mar 17, 2009

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