The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Catalan to English Construction / Civil Engineering Translation Glossary

Catalan term English translation
a dues aigües gable roof
a menys PK/a més PK before reaching the KP/beyond the KP
bombament de capçalera inlet pumping station
canonades conducts
cargol screw pump
cates alternades bore holes
clava pipe-jacking
director d'obra project manager
Entered by: Berni Armstrong
escaiguin that are necessary/required OR the corresponding number of...
estimada accepted
fer l’aixecament d’un edifici conduct a survey
guany solar heat gain
infraestructures auxiliars lineals auxiliary infrastructure - line features
infraestructures auxiliars poligonals additional/ suplementary/ polygonal infrastructures
intercanviador de calor heat exchange unit
llosa de cobertura covering structure
no postensat non post-tensioned
palet de riera river gravel / small pebbles
Entered by: Andrés Martínez
parets seques dry stone walls
pels for the
pericó de arribada pipe inspection chamber at destination
personal facultatiu technical staff, site management
plafons/revestiment panels// covering / flooring
pou de gruixos screening chamber
presa socket
prestacions characteristics, features
presuppost execució material construction work budget
RCP (responsabilitat civil profesional) professional indemnity insurance
Entered by: Berni Armstrong
reg de recolzament support irrigation
remat finishing
sabates footing
sofit soffit
supermao Double hollow brick
Tancaments (window )casing
tot-ù natural ballast
Entered by: Fabio Descalzi
tot-u wet mix macadam
xinxols beams (perimeter beams)
Entered by: liz askew
zones d\'extracció mining sites OR mineral extraction sites
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