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French to English Cosmetics, Beauty Translation Glossary

French term English translation
pour être au top de votre beauté be your most beautiful
Sensible à (here) aware of the need to
Entered by: Lara Barnett
sillons du microrelief furrows or folds
Entered by: Joan Berglund
"portés" (offer different) ways of wearing/new look(s)
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
(le KPF) qui est au cheveu ce que le (SPF) est `a la peau (the KPF) which is to hair what (the SPF) is to skin service de votre beauté. ... to make you radiant
...est devenu le complice de votre féminité, Suggestion for the whole sentence
Entered by: Lara Barnett
10 lames recharges coupe-cors 10 Corn Removal Replacement Blades
Entered by: Lara Barnett
21 VB et 10 V GB 21 and UB 10
A dix ans pres, le flou s'installe In ten years your face will lose its youthful look/glow.
absolu de rose rose absolute
accord (fragrances) accord
accord framboise/iris raspberry/iris accord
Acide de soude caustic soda / sodium hydroxide
actifs adoucissants active emollients
actifs marins active marine ingredients
actifs modelisés modeled active ingredients
actifs naturel natural active ingredients
actifs naturels et gourmands delicious natural active ingredients
activation active formula
acylats anioniques d’acides aminés Anionic Aminoacylates
adiporeverse anti-cellulite
affinités botaniques He garnishes the vanilla with botanical scents found in its natural (growing) environment
agrément cosmétique cosmetic appeal
agressions skin damage
Entered by: Lorraine Dubuc
animal animal
Entered by: Gayle Wallimann
anti-capitons anti-dimpling
antiradicalaire antiradical
appliquer sur les pointes apply to (dry or damaged) ends
Argumentaires de gamme en distribution Promotional sales leaflets / flyers
aspect pelucheux de la peau uneven / lumpy / fibrous *see context*
Assouplissement Softening
attentes transversales common or shared expectations
au fondu aérien with an airy texture that/so light it melts into the skin
au parfum d'interdit a hint of the forbidden
Entered by: Helene Tammik
Au toucher, elle offre la sensation d'une extreme douceur silky to the touch, smooth to the touch
axes product categories
à peine effleuré des doigts barely have your fingers skimmed the surface of
à vocation galénique galenic principles / galenic/galenical preparations
écailles cuticles (or follicles)
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