Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 113 results
Basic Glossary of the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI) (PT, ES)
Ballentine’s Law Dictionary, 3rd edition
James A. Ballentine |
Ballentine’s Law Dictionary, 3rd edition.
Hematology Glossary
American Society of Hematology |
Monolingual dictionary of hematology terms For Patients- Blood Basics
Dictionary of Sexual Terms - 24 150 terms and expressions, 3 500 quotes, 47 000 synonyms. All the Many-Splendored Things in Between in Teenspeak - Jockspeak - Menglish - Slanglish - Spanglish Gaylese - Americanese - Britspeak - Ozslang - Funetic Populo-Vulgar Speech - T-Shirt & Net Shorthand Pompo-Verbosity & other Figurative Lingos
Construction deterioration & building durability glossary
by A. Sebastian Engineering and Investigation Services |
Issues in materials and construction deterioration: commentary and glossary Article & glossary hosted by A. Sebastian Engineering and Investigation Services Environmental loads and construction degradation Please click here to enter the construction deterioration article. Construction deterioration & building durability glossary: Term... View more
materials and construction deterioration: commentary and glossary Issues in materials and construction deterioration: commentary and glossary Article & glossary hosted by A. Sebastian Engineering and Investigation Services Environmental loads and construction degradatio... View more
Macmillan Dictionary
bright_rainbow |
Useful British and American English dictionary.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary is ideal for both medical professionals and anyone who wants to keep up with the burgeoning array of terminology found in today's medical news. By avoiding jargon, the dictionary offers concise and easily accessible information for users searching for descriptions of over-the-counter or prescripti... View more
Canada/USA idioms, slangs, sayings, colloqialisms
Canada Immigration |
This is a great site for Canadian and American idioms, sayings, colloqialisms, slang. It's from Canada but almost all of it is also used in the USA.
The Online Slang Dictionary |
A Collaborative Project: American slang, ghetto slang, gangster slang, and English slang words from around the world
Glossary of Textile Terms
American & Efird |
Multiple glossaries: textile terms, embroidery terms, thread terms, stitch terms, thread science and much more.
Body Art Glossary
American Musuem of Natural History |
Glossary of the various forms of Body Art from The American Museum of Natural History.
English-Ukrainian, Ukrainian-English, "Express" and "Professional" versions. Easy to use Ukrainian dictionary. Express is designed for quick translation having a minimal redundancy, good for travellers in Ukraine. British English is preferred. Professional Ukrainian dictionaries are structured like a paper dictionary and translation is more detaile... View more
Understanding the Basic Terminology of American Football
Dictionary of British<>American English slang.
Glossary of Criminal Legal Terminology (Spanish-English / English-Spanish)
Isabel Mauvecin-Laguzzi, Staff Translator at the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia |
This Glossary is constantly updated and tries to accommodate the correspondence -hardly available in regular bilingual dictionaries- between the Criminal Legal Terminology applied in the D.C. Criminal Code and D.C. Justice System and the Spanish terms in Criminal Codes from Latin American Countries.
Legal Glossary
Superior Court of California, Sacramento County |
Explanation of American legal terms
Significado de las terminologías y siglas más utilizadas en el Comercio Internacional.
SIMAS (Nombre ONG : Servicio de Información Mesoamericano sobre Agricultura Sostenible ) Unidad de Comercialización- |
Glosario Español>Español. Explicación o descripción de los términos y las siglas más utilizados en el Comercio Internacional. Algunas entradas presentan la correspondiente expresión en inglés.
The American's guide to speaking British.
The seven sections on the left contain over 1000 words and expressions that differ in their usage between the US and the UK
TU Chemnitz |
Since 1995 our online dictionary has offered you German <> English translations: fast, efficient, user-friendly and, of course, free. Today you're able to find:
This one-page glossary is a compilation of non-English words and phrases appearing in the text of Six Mexicans Named Gonzalez. They are words taken from both the original Castilian Spanish and the more regionalized idiom known as "Spanglish". Spanglish, as you may know, is the delightfully bastardized hybrid of Spanish and English spoken primarily ... View more
Vocabulario cetrero
Fradeja, J. M.: Archivo Iberoamericano de Cetrería, Universidad de Valladolid, España |
Léxico de la cetrería española
"En muchos casos se dan citas literales de los libros de cetrería en los que aparece el término por primera vez, o cuando tiene un significado distinto al usual. Como la fuente básica de este glosario son los antiguos libros de cetrería castellanos, las palabras pueden aparecer escritas con ortografías un t... View more
American Railroad Terminology Monolingual English/English
Definitions of the rap slang; enriched with cross-links. Explanations include some cultural background. Search possible by subcategories nouns, verbs, adjectives, interjections or geography.
Multilingual Glossary: Language Table
ACRL, a division of the American Library Association |
Librarian's instructional glossary: practical library science
Diccionario Americano
D.G. Almiray Jaramillo / America latina |
Caló, indigenismos, juegos y usos regionales del lenguaje. Incluye: palabras desconocidas, sinónimos, frases, abreviaturas, frases idiomáticas.
Glossary of Indonesian Ingredients
Merry's Kitchen, site owner |
A list of Indonesian ingredients and their meanings in English. "Although I chose business and finance as my majors while I was in American college, my passion has always been baking and cooking," Merry says in her site.
A Free Dictionary with Definitions for Terms used by Lawyers, Law Firms and the Legal System in the US.
What is the definition of the word or noun, dictionary, well a short definition is simply - a reference publication, initially a book but now more commonly either on a CD/DVD or published on the web or internet, which contains a list o... View more
Glossary of Dance Terminology
The Information Super Dance Floor / Don Deyne |
This list was compiled by Don Deyne using glossaries form other sources, most notably, Country Dance Lines, R K Publishing, Joyce Warren, etc.
Interactive Sports Glossaries
First Base Sports, Inc. |
Glossaries for four popular team sports. Includes most important terms and phrases. Enriched with cross-links. Also includes graphic illustrations of Officials' Hand Signals for each sport.
Cancer-related terms
American Cancer Society |
A glossary of agricultural terms
American Language Center |
This bilingual glossary is a modest attempt to fill one of the needs of Spanish-speaking agriculturists receiving training under the program of the International Cooperation Administration. The list is not complete in any sense. It is based largely on suggestions made by experts engaged; in the training of foreign agricultural specialists both abro... View more
Introducción a los análisis multinivel
Organización Panamericana de la Salud |
Explicación y definición de conceptos de estadística aplicados a la Medicina. Tiene dos partes y está también en inglés, por lo que se puede buscar en ambos idiomas y comparar definiciones y equivalencias de términos.
Frases idiomáticas y listas de vocabulario |
eclectic collection of information: vocabulary lists, an English-Spanish baseball dictionary, an English-Spanish dictionary of American football, and information on the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Phrases, sayings and idiomatic expressions which make reference to foods, articles of clothing, body parts, numbers, colors and religion
Escriba una palabra en el cuadro para texto y pulse Buscar. Para ver una lista de palabras, seleccione una letra o escriba la(s) primera(s) letra(s).
Buen recurso del American College of Radiology y Radiological Society of North America - enriquecido con reticulaciones e imágenes.
Versión inglesa: View more
Enter a term in the text box and press Find.
For a list of terms, select a letter or enter starting letter(s).
Good resource by the American College of Radiology and the Radiological Society of North America - enriched with cross-links, images, and pronounciation guide.
Spanish monolingual version at View more
Multilingual Glossary for Art Librarians
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions |
586 English-language terms have been collected together, either as main terms or as cross-references. English English is the standard for spelling. American English variants are noted after the initial English term. English language definitions follow each term. Where appropriate an alternative English term is given in brackets after the main entry... View more
Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms
American Psychological Association |
Psychological terms arranged alphabetically - English to German only.
Based on the Glossary of Islamic Art and Architectural Terms. Version II. December 1990. Creswell Library of Islamic Art and Architecture. The American University in Cairo. Transliterated.
The Glossary has been prepared by the International Center for Accounting Reform (ICAR) covering Accounting, Audit and financial terminology in use throughout most industries and economic sectors. To compile the Glossary, ICAR undertook a wide consultation exercise with interested parties and used terminology of its previous publications of its par... View more