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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Informal networking event - all welcome!

April 12, 2012, 8:00 pm
United KingdomEdinburghIn personEnglish
The next Edinburgh translators networking event will be held at Holyrood 9A on Holyrood Road from 7pm on Thursday 12th April. I've reserved some tables and told the bar that around 20 of us will be there.

All welcome - old and new faces, beginners and old-timers, T&I/languages students etc.

If it's your first time then please just ask at the bar to be pointed in the right direction - we'll probably be pretty easy to spot!

Looking forward to seeing you all there,


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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (31) / Confirmed: 18 / Tentative: 3
Name NoteWill Attend
Rebecca Hendry  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
XLisa McCreadie (X)   ...  
Eleonore Wapler   ...  y
Ramon Inglada   ...  n
Julian Wagstaff   Thanks to Becky for setting up this PowWow. Looking forward to it already :-)   y
Thomas Roberts   Look forward to seeing everyone  y
Emmanuelle Hingant   I'll be in France that day :(  n
Marion Lurf   ...  y
Hannah Burrow   ...  y
Krzysztof Milewski   Going on holiday on April 12. Unfortunately, won't make it.  n
Tomoyuki Kono   After a hiatus I hope I can make it this time.  y
Amy Moreno   ...  m
Judith McLean   ...  y
Claire Grant   ...  
XMatthew Beeston (X)   Thanks for organising, Beccy. See you all there.  y
Stefania Greci   ...  y
J Nash   ...  y
Fiona Kirton   ...  y
Dan_Brennan   Dan Brennan  m
Gaia Talamini   ...  m
Marion Greenway Allen   ...  y
XLisa Jamison (X)   ...  y
Dan Bradley   ...  y
Cesar Ayala   Looking forward to it!  y
Begoña Romero   ...  
pettiefleur   ...  y
Ioannis Lachanis   ...  y
CarolG   Sorry I can't be there after all - got a surprise Cirque du Soleil invite!  n
Peter Bucher   Sorry, saw it too late but hope to make it the next time. Could do the photography part too if required  n
XBarbara Canton   ...  
Ruth Mulvenna   ...  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Edinburgh - United Kingdom
Dan_Brennan  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:42
Russian to English
+ ...
Will try to make it Mar 6, 2012

High time I hopped across the great East-West divide to attend one of these sessions. Just sorry that Ramon and Emmanuelle won't be there...

Rebecca Hendry
Rebecca Hendry  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:42
Member (2005)
Spanish to English
+ ...
Hope you can make it! Mar 15, 2012

Hi Dan,

It would be great if you can make it, the more the merrier! The pub isn't too far a walk from Waverley station if you plan to get the train.

Hope to see you then,


Rebecca Hendry
Rebecca Hendry  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:42
Member (2005)
Spanish to English
+ ...
Booking confirmed at Holyrood 9A Apr 9, 2012

Hello all,

I've just spoken to the bar and have confirmed the booking for around 20 of us from 7 pm on Thursday. I'll be there from 7 pm and if you can't spot me or anyone else just ask at the bar for the booking under the name of Hendry.

See you all then!


Stefania Greci
Stefania Greci  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:42
English to Italian
+ ...
Looking forward to it Apr 10, 2012

Thank you, Rebecca.
See you there.

Rebecca Hendry
Rebecca Hendry  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:42
Member (2005)
Spanish to English
+ ...
Thanks for coming! Apr 14, 2012

Thanks to everyone who came along on Thursday night, it was a fun evening. Please keep your eye on the Powwow page for details of the upcoming barbecue, which will take place on Sunday July 1st. I look forward to seeing you all there!



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