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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Drinks at Bar Hemma on Holyrood Road

March 21, 2013, 7:30 pm
United KingdomEdinburghIn personEnglish
Hi folks!

Yes, it's that time of year again - time for our spring drinks meetup!

This is open to all translators/interpreters in Edinburgh, Glasgow and the surrounding area. We're always keen to meet new people so don't be shy if you haven't been along before :-)

We're going to meet at 7.30pm on Thursday, 21 March at Bar Hemma on Holyrood Road, Edinburgh. Here's a map:

Please sign up below asap so we have an idea of numbers. And once you've signed up, please remember to change your attendance status to Yes/No/Maybe in the right-hand column. This helps me to give accurate numbers to the venue.

Thanks for your continued support and hope to see you very soon!



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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (44) / Confirmed: 27 / Tentative: 9
Name NoteWill Attend
Julian Wagstaff  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" Can't wait to see you all in Bar Hemma again!  y
Marion Lurf   ...  y
Thomas Roberts   ...  y
Ramon Inglada   ...  m
Judith McLean   Having to drop out unfortunately. Have fun everyone.  n
Rebecca Hendry   Thanks for sorting this out, Jules. I'll be there for sure.  y
Karin Bosshard   Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it this time.  n
Cesar Ayala   I'll be there, yep  y
Kaja Grzegorczyn   ...  y
Silvana Vitale   Apologies. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it. Have a lovely evening!  n
Miranda Stewart   ...  y
owen.thompson1  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Will be my first time coming along so very much looking forward to it!  y
Vivien Green   Vivien Green  y
Cristina Bufi Poecksteiner, M.A.   Trying my best to come  m
Tomoyuki Kono   ...  n
Agnieszka Fraser   ...  y
Dan Bradley   ...  y
XMatthew Beeston (X)   ...  y
Mahdi Ziaei  \"Photographer\" I'll try my best to come to this one!  m
Anna Costa   ...  n
Fiona Kirton   ...  y
Eleonore Wapler   ...  y
Dan_Brennan   ...  
Krzysztof Milewski   ...  m
msmona  \"Photographer\" My first powwow, woo hoo!  m
Graeme High   ...  y
XIsabel Adey (X)   ...  
Nadege Weightman   ...  y
Fiona Hale  \"Photographer\" Fiona Hale  y
Ramiro Bestilleiro Rey   Hoping to find dissertation proposal inspiration!!   y
Ruth Mulvenna   ...  y
Paul Harrison MITI   ...  y
David Tugwell   ...  y
XAnna Berrino (X)   ...  y
XAmandine Lepers-Thornton (X)   Will be there after my evening class (8.30pm) if you're still around. Can't wait, been too long!  y
Jana Six   ...  y
Kate Bell   there's a Science Festival night event at the City Arts Centre the same night - choices choices!  m
Wendy Lee   ...  y
Jiqing Dong   ...  m
pettiefleur   ...  y
sunny aagii  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" \"Host\" sunny aagii  
XBarbara Canton   ...  m
Joyce Yeung   ...  m
Zhiyan Ma   ...  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Edinburgh - United Kingdom
Julian Wagstaff
Julian Wagstaff  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:48
German to English
Finish time... Mar 19, 2013

Hi there!

To those wondering whether we'll still be in Bar Hemma at 8.30, 9.30 etc., I think it's reasonable to assume we'll be there till at least 11.30, if not midnight, based on past experience. So my message is: if you're busy early doors, come along later! If you want to be sure we're still there, give me a call on 07932 596533.

Looking foward to seeing you all on Thursday!




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