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Translation Volume: 4 days Completed: Jan 2008 Languages: English to Czech
Investment funds, monthly reports
Monthly summaries of market development, investment decisions and prospects
Finance (general)
No comment.
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7 entries
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Wire transfer, MasterCard, Visa, Check
Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Czech: Healthy nutrition
Source text - English Misplaced your keys? Can't place that face? Study findings suggest that you may be able to lessen the frequency of these "senior moments' simply by eating more fish. And the more fish you eat, the bigger the effect, according to research conducted in Norway.
Investigators found that elderly men and women who more frequently ate fish scored better on memory, visual conception, spatial motor skills, attention, orientation, and verbal fluency tests.
"All six cognitive tests were performed better by those who ate fish," principal author Dr. A. David Smith of the University of Oxford, UK, told Reuters Health. Furthermore, he added, the effect was stronger as fish consumption increased up to a limit of about 80 grams per day.
Translation - Czech Už zase hledáte klíče? Ten člověk vám připadá povědomý, ale nemůžete si vzpomenout, odkud ho znáte? Výsledky klinických studií naznačují, že četnost těchto projevů stárnutí je možné snížit jednoduše tím, že budeme jíst víc rybího masa. A účinek bude podle norských vědců tím vyšší, čím více rybího masa budeme jíst.
Výzkumníci zjistili, že starší lidé, kteří jedí rybí maso častěji, mají lepší výsledky v testech paměti, vizuálního vnímání, prostorového vnímání a motoriky, pozornosti, orientace a verbální fluence.
„Ve všech šesti testech kognitivních funkcí, které jsme prováděli, si vedli lépe ti, kdo jedli rybí maso“, potvrdil hlavní autor studie dr. A. David Smith z Oxfordské univerzity ve Velké Británii redaktorům Reuters Health a dodal, že účinek se zvyšoval zároveň s konzumací rybího masa, a to až do hranice kolem 80 gramů denně.
Years of experience: 28. Registered at Mar 2006. Became a member: Nov 2007.
German to Czech (General State Examination) English to Czech (Czech Union of Interpreters and Translators) German to Czech (Member of the Czech Union of Translators and Inter) French to Czech (Czech Union of Interpreters and Translators)
Across, Adobe Acrobat, Fusion, Indesign, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Multicorpora, Hyperhub, Passolo, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Offering quality, professionalism and reliability confirmed by satisfied, loyal clients
Working under strict confidentiality
Using terminology and translation quality management tools
Projects: Informed consent forms, protocol synopses, diaries, questionnaires, scales, and letters to and from Ethics Committees and regulatory authorities
Clients: Clinical trial sponsors and contractual research organisations
Projects: User instructions, user guides, training documentation, summaries of product characteristics, labelling, and patient information leaflets based on EMA templates
Clients: Pharmaceutical companies and translation agencies specialised in medical and pharmaceutical texts
Projects: MSDS, certificates of analysis, precautions for use, REACH compliant documents
Clients: Manufacturers of chemicals and cosmetic products
Projects: Contracts, powers of attorney, disclaimers, warranties, and websites
Clients: Law offices, real estate agents, trading firms, and companies running web-based applications, online shops, and catalogues
Projects: CRM systems, SAP-based software, gadgets, widgets, and web-based tools
Clients: Manufacturers, retailers, and banks
Projects: Tourism websites, brochures, catalogues, and booking systems
Clients: Tourist information services, tourism associations, municipalities, and hotels
I work with Wordfast, across, memoQ, and SDL Trados Studio.
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