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ᐃᔪᐤ ᐃᔨᒧᐅᓐ No, this is not a bug 0 (496)
Do we all have to speak The Queen's English? ( 1 ... 2 ) 26 (6,307)
English Bible for the Deaf 10 (3,267)
Recommended certification courses for translators 2 (1,834)
Off-topic: What "dialects" do you speak? ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 43 (24,152)
Off-topic: Please help me to identify this language 5 (2,596)
Euro or Euros? ( 1 ... 2 ) 21 (60,999)
Off-topic: 7 incredible alphabets from around the world 7 (3,418)
What if you want a translation of something but don't know what the original language is? 4 (2,774)
Off-topic: Mysterious inscriptions on a rock in Brittany (France) 1 (4,933)
Romani Studies: new dictionary of legal practice 0 (1,267)
Frequency of work from Catalan to English 6 (3,807)
Decipher Indian language text 2 (2,844)
Let Santali language also enter the language pool of Proz 2 (2,437)
Calenge ès Mèmes en Langue Matèrnelle 0 (1,344)
Pakistan's regional languages face looming extinction 0 (1,551)
Honorary Member of a Foundation devoted to Guarani 3 (2,626)
Spanish in Spain VS Spanish in Mexico in writing 10 (5,102)
Use of the word "analphabet" in English language ( 1 ... 2 ) 15 (9,338)
How does coding system influence reading speed? 9 (4,379)
Handshakes (non-verbal speech) ( 1 ... 2 ) 22 (10,230)
Off-topic: Does grammar matter? 4 (4,339)
Diffusion of Guaraní today 1 (2,280)
Off-topic: Foreign language learning in a TV show (ASL) 4 (3,776)
Proportional pie chart of the world's most spoken languages ( 1 ... 2 ) 19 (13,194)
Difference between US-Spanish and ES-Spanish and difference between US-French and FR-French 11 (6,235)
Angolan Portuguese in product interfaces 3 (3,023)
What's "really" considered offensive? ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 30 (17,689)
Is it possible to lose your mother tongue? ( 1 ... 2 ) 21 (12,491)
The (almost) speechless translator 11 (6,097)
Slang/ colloquial terms 0 (2,241)
Translation to Minority Languages 5 (4,411)
‘Euro English – English for all … except for native speakers’ (on blog) 3 (3,586)
On all ? continents 7 (5,639)
Happy European Day of Languages! 1 (2,997)
Waxing lyrical - Arty English or IAE 2 (3,769)
Off-topic: Misuse of "revert" ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 31 (20,087)
Is it ok not translated? 12 (6,943)
survey on uniformity versus creativity in professional translations 1 (3,067)
Off-topic: FUN: The English Language In 24 Accents ( 1 ... 2 ) 17 (18,396)
Please help to define the language 2 (4,368)
Brazilian Portuguese vs European Portuguese in the EU 3 (4,729)
Why does MS Office spellchecker query use of pass¡ve voice? 10 (7,460)
Vanishing languages - Vanishing voices 1 (4,288)
Español de chile 2 (4,835)
French for Madagascar 1 (4,180)
The Scots Language 3 (12,546)
Should "bromance" really be in the dictionary? 12 (8,931)
Latin American Spanish...which country is most 'generic'? 4 (6,180)
Farsi/Dari/Tajik(i): A Trio to Deal with ( 1 ... 2 ) 18 (30,019)
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