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Search results: (76 matches)
Poll Discussion Poll: How many books not related to your work do you normally read? 12 would mean some sort of book diet to me: That's only one a month! In the
2013 Reading Challenge, I have set my goal at 40
books, which is on the conservative side. I
usually manage more than 50 a year. And fiction
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Jan 20, 2013
Dutch Registergroep - demonstratie op 21 Nov - Den Haag Laat elke dag je stem horen De RegisterGroep maakt zich sterk voor de
specifieke problematiek van registertolken en
-vertalers, d.w.z. de tolken en vertalers die
ingeschreven staan in het Register btv en die via
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Nov 9, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: How many translation-related events do you attend, on average, each year? If meetings also count then as Chair of the Dutch Association of Freelance
Professional Translators VZV I sometimes attend
more than six translation-related events a month
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Oct 27, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Is there any famous translator/interpreter you look up to/admire? Yes I think Wiebe Buddingh' did an admirable job
translating the Harry Potter book series into
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Aug 5, 2011
Off topic The ultimate battle: electronic text reading devices vs books! Why either/or? Yes, I own a Kindle and am extremely happy with
it, for many of the reasons stated above. But I
still buy paper books, I still borrow books from
my local library, I still pick up books
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest May 8, 2011
Wordfast support Is there a way to create bilingual (cleaned) files with Wf Pro/Classic? This is how I do it, too [quote] - copy-paste the source text into the
target column (then you have 2 identical columns
with the source text), - translate only the
right column with WfClassic, - clean up the<
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Feb 13, 2011
Dutch Deja vu / trados Handige link Hier kun je demo's bekijken van 20 verschillende
o/index.php Groet, Marjolein
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Feb 13, 2011
Lighter side of trans/interp You know you're a translator when.... That's two [quote]Stefano Papaleo wrote: - When you wake
up in the midle of the night sweating and
screaming like crazy just beacuse you've just
realized the translation you sent has ONE typo
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Dec 22, 2010
Dutch PZO: Overheid gaat open voor zzp'er Een stap in de goede richting Daarom ben ik ook lid geworden van de VZV! Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Dec 16, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use Twitter? Likewise [quote]Mary Worby wrote: I signed up for a
Twitter account a couple of months back. But I
really didn't get it. I gathered a few followers,
started following a few people. It struck me
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Dec 9, 2010
Business issues Would you offer translation reviews for free to an agency? No, plain and simple. [quote] Still: No other
voices? [/quote] Here's mine...
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Jun 29, 2010
Off topic World Cup slogans Was wondering the same thing [quote]Lingua 5B wrote: I wonder what it's like
for the people who are actually present at the
stadium. [/quote] Mind-blowing, I suppose.
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Jun 14, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: When you are doing research for a translation/ term, do you get side-tracked? Thanks, Mike! [quote]Mike (de Oliveira) Brady wrote: I
multi-task, but I found a great way to keep
focused after reading this
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Jun 6, 2010
Dutch NRC-Artikel mbt. kartelrecht en aanbestedingen Een klein applausje voor Mr. Dr. Astrid Klein Sprokkelhorst! Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Apr 8, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you keep fit? I don't jog... I run! :-) Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Feb 28, 2010
Off topic "rude" insult? Not proud of it, but the teacher in question would probably have a fit
in a classroom full of Dutch children ;-)
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Feb 13, 2010
Wordfast support start a translation with wordfast Alt-Home usually does the trick in Wordfast Classic (I
don't know about WF Pro). It opens the
last-translated segment. You can also select the
next sentence to be translated and force WF to
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Feb 13, 2010
Wordfast support How do I skip over a segment in WordFast? With Magdalena Copying untranslatable text into your target
segments will only pollute your TM. Mark these
particular text segments as untranslatable
beforehand and WF just skips them. I always use
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Jan 25, 2010
Dutch Collega Margreet Logmans in vrede van ons heengegegaan Wat een treurig nieuws Heel veel troost en moed gewenst aan allen die zij
achterlaat. Marjolein
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Jan 19, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: On average, how many translation-related training sessions/conferences do you attend each year? 1-2 I attended 2 conferences in 2009 and I found those
very worthwhile, so I will definitely try to keep
that up in the years to come. I subscribed to the Virtual Conference, but was
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Jan 4, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever done a translation or editing job using your mobile phone? No With Stéphanie and Sophie: I don't have a mobile
phone, either. Are we the last dinosaurs?
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Dec 18, 2009
Wordfast support How to use xls format glossary in WordFast? Here's how it works First you'll have to select that specific txt-file
as a glossary in WF (#1, #2 or #3 / under Tab
'Terminology'). Once that's done, you ought to see
the terms that are in de glossary highli
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Dec 6, 2009
Wordfast support How to use xls format glossary in WordFast? Save as tab-delimited text It also says so in the manual: 'The Excel
spreadsheet should be saved as "Tab-delimited
text" using Excel's File/Save as... menu.' I had
to use an Excel-glossary once and this worked like
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Dec 6, 2009
Dutch Btv Revisited - wie is die vreemde man? Kapitale blunder Ik had mijn verzoek tot wijziging dus allang
gepost toen die e-mail kwam en bleek dat het bij
iederéén fout was gegaan! Het moet niet gekker
worden. Laten we het er maar op houden dat h
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Dec 4, 2009
Wordfast support WF does not recognize the abbreviations I entered Spaces in between? Did you enter spaces in between? (Like this: e.g.,
ltd., inc., i.v., i.e., etc.) You have to leave
those out (like this:
e.g.,ltd.,inc.,i.v.,i.e.,etc.), otherwise WF will
not recognize
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Dec 1, 2009
Dutch 29 mensen werd of werden gevraagd Van hetzelfde laken een pak Het verschil tussen hen en hun.
Zie Vaa
k blijken beide tegenwoordig mogelijk en niet meer
als fout aangemerkt te worden. Volgens de lijst
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Nov 25, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you usually sit on while working? For anyone who is still following this... I managed to buy a Thatsit Varier (lots of hassle,
took ages for one faulty part to be replaced, but
anyway) and assemble it (very IKEA DIY and that
for nearly 1000 euros, but anyway). As
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Nov 24, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: How quickly do you return test translations? I voted 'Other' [quote]Interlangue wrote: I generally do not do
test translations: I do not have the time. I
do accept some from my regular agency customers
though, and always return them before th
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Nov 19, 2009
KudoZ How many Kudoz users are on your blacklist? Only one but she has asked more than a hundred questions
without answering a single question herself.
Besides, she leaves them open or closes them
without grading. Very annoying.
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Nov 2, 2009
Wordfast support TM empty after uploading txt! Select TM I'm sorry, I don't quite follow... What I usually
do at the start of a translation is: open the
file to be translated (doc) then I open WF TM
(tab) Select TM -> browse for the tmx fil
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Oct 18, 2009
Wordfast support TM empty after uploading txt! tmx format Hello Anja, you probably need a TM in tmx
format from your client. WF uses TM's in txt
format, yes, but if you'd want to import a TM
(from a Trados user, for instance), you'd need it
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Oct 18, 2009
Dutch bagger!! Proz in het Nederlands Helemaal onderin Hoi Ed, helemaal onderin rechts op de groene
balk op de 'thuispagina' kun je de taal
instellen. Groet, Marjolein
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Oct 16, 2009
Business issues Translation agency does not confirm minimum rate before test is completed - is it worth it? I've been there [quote]Marina Aleyeva wrote: It's been my
experience that an agency that sends a test
without confirming your rate (especially when you
clearly asked them to do so) will come back
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Oct 16, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you offer discounts for large projects? Why is it then... ...that more than 40% say 'It depends on the
customer'? I don't mind working on larger
projects, and in most cases my usual rates apply.
But I have in the past agreed upon a somewhat
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Oct 13, 2009
Dutch SENA Hier ook nog radiostilte Letterlijk en figuurlijk :-) Groet, Marjolein Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Oct 6, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp Translator's Jargon Glossary I like peanut-eaters and as a consequence, the underpaying outsourcers
for whom they work would be 'monkey feeders'!
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Sep 24, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp Translator's Jargon Glossary pdf junkie a client who just can't be bothered to send you a
Word file. Thanks for the happy diversion,
Henrik! Regards, Marjolein
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Sep 24, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Can you quote literary passages from books or poetry by memory? Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare. I had to learn one sonnet
by heart in school. And I can recite a good part
of 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci' by Keats, but that's
about it. My children listen open-mou
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Sep 23, 2009 directory How often your profiles are visited through Directory? 10 from the directory since 1st September... and a total of 314 visitors in the last 30 days,
but I have to say my visitor's tab is a bit
clouded, since I posted on a forum on my birthday,
and subsequently loads of freelancers visite
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Sep 18, 2009
Marketing for language professionals My Profile, Your Brutal Truth Take two... Allright then, David, here's what I think, since
obviously your intentions are genuine: on the
whole, I think your profile spells 'marketing'
more than 'translating'. If really wonder i
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Sep 15, 2009
Marketing for language professionals My Profile, Your Brutal Truth Thanks, Jocelyne! I only just noticed the little birthday cake
myself! But all work and no play today; back at
it... ;-) Regards, Marjolein
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Sep 15, 2009
Marketing for language professionals My Profile, Your Brutal Truth Have a look at my profile... it's meagre by comparison, since I have only
placed the bare (professional) necessities on
there. I'm swamped with work nonetheless and your
calendar is all green (?) I'm with Maria and
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Sep 15, 2009
Dutch Is ProZ lidmaatschap de moeitewaard Eens met Henk Hallo Olly, Ik ben het in grote lijnen met Henk
eens: het voordeel zit 'm niet zozeer in het
inschrijfsysteem, als wel in het aantal
interessante opdrachtgevers dat je naar je profiel
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Sep 6, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice Medical Translation: Dosage or Posology? Same goes for every other EU language When translating an SPC or PIL into any EU
language (on medicinal products intended for the
European market), you HAVE to follow the QRD
template... and that's all there is to it. I
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Sep 5, 2009
Dutch Voorbeeldteksten voor bijsluiters EDQM Standard Terms Daarvoor moet je echt de Standard Terms van de
Europese Farmacopee
-581.html Nadeel is, dat de toegang niet gratis
is, m.a.w. je m
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Sep 3, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp Have fun with machine translation!! Interesting! How about this utterly simple sentence from a
translation I am working on right now: people
calling you names into
Japanese 人々が名を呼び出す back into
English Calling
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Aug 30, 2009
Dutch Voorbeeldteksten voor bijsluiters QRD-templates Volgens mij doel je op de
an/qrd/qrdtemplate.htm Als je SPC's en
bijsluiters vertaalt, MOET je deze templates
volgen. Dat houdt in
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Aug 29, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever dreamed that you were working on a translation? Came up with a good translation, too! But then again, I have a second life at night.
Some people claim they never dream, but I can't
imagine that.
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Aug 26, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: How many windows/tabs do you usually have open on your desktop while working? Too many... to be practical sometimes. Maybe it would be
better to just start using two screens instead ;-)
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Aug 24, 2009
Translator resources Cool Stuff / Gifts for Translators I don't think so the Dutch sentence on this shirt is just too
weird. Straight MT. I can't vouch for the other
languages, though, but the English and German seem
OK. Makes me wonder about all the other
Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Aug 22, 2009

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