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Search results: (715 matches)
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think SEO translations are a legitimate job? Is prostitution a legitimate job? It probably is. Whether I want to do it, is the
second question.
Wolfgang Jörissen Apr 14, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Are the translations you produce now better than they were 5 years ago? No here My translations have not gotten better in the last
5 years because there is no superlative to
perfect! If it only were true, haha. I guess
that translation quality depends on a couple o
Wolfgang Jörissen Mar 13, 2017
Software applications What's your favorite non-CAT software? Text Tally "Favourite" is a big word, but it's a small
freeware I do not want to miss. It does word
counts on whatever is in the clipboard.
Wolfgang Jörissen Nov 13, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Which of these attributes do you mainly look for in a translation company? Nice poll Well outlined options. Has to be said as well. Wolfgang Jörissen May 23, 2016
Professional development CAT tools Get two of them ... and a couple of (partly functional) demo
versions, so if one of them lets you down, you can
still think about workarounds to keep the show
Wolfgang Jörissen May 19, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think that living in a foreign country can affect your native fluency? Can, but does not have to I know quite a few sad examples from people who
think they have to adjust to their host country so
much that they neglect their mother tongue, but
then again, most of these people are not<
Wolfgang Jörissen Jan 27, 2016
Dutch Jullie mening a.u.b. 10 of 10 miljoen woorden... Als het met Across moet, is mijn antwoord gewoon
Wolfgang Jörissen May 16, 2015
German Gibt es CAT tools, bei denen die Segmente ganze Abschnitte beinhalten? MultiCorpora ... kam mit diesem Ansatz auf den Markt. Gibt's
das eigentlich noch?
Wolfgang Jörissen Feb 1, 2015
Machine Translation (MT) Using Google Translate to process long texts without buying an API access key 0,64 € That was my last bill for API usage. I am not a
heavy user, but nevertheless, a couple of
colleagues of mine use the same key. Even if I
would have criminal energy within me (quod non), I<
Wolfgang Jörissen Nov 11, 2014
Powwows Powwow: Guatemala - Guatemala Not sure... whether I make it down from Belize, but would love
to meet you guys.
Wolfgang Jörissen Aug 4, 2014
CAT Tools Technical Help CAT within Word MetaTexis ... is still unmentioned, as the only genuine
Word-based CAT tool that is unlikely to be
replaced by a non-Word-based solution. Don't know
about xliff capabilities, but a bit of conversion
Wolfgang Jörissen Aug 3, 2014
MemoQ support Workflow MemoQ 2013 R2 / Déjà Vu X3 Hmmm... The only thing I can think of is observing DVX and
MQ simultaneously and exchanging xliffs from time
to time, maybe create a macro to automate that.
Having said that, I (maybe in vain) h
Wolfgang Jörissen Jul 28, 2014
Getting established Missing out on cases due to other translators being able to translate 4500 words per day. Look around and try [quote]markge wrote: and buying SDL Trados.
[/quote] ... or one of the numerous
competitors. Check out the trial versions. All
data you gather with whatever product, you will
Wolfgang Jörissen Jun 30, 2014
Money matters 1 Euro per 100 words-Fair price? In dubio pro reo Maybe they just forgot to add a zero. Otherwise...
go hide and $"§$&&"§$
Wolfgang Jörissen Jun 15, 2014
Phrase (formerly Memsource) support MemSource Cloud Cat Tool Some features missing Memsource is nice but last time I tried it, it was
not uite as sophisticated as the "big ones" in the
market. Using MemSource you will have to do
without - predictive typing (IMHO the bi
Wolfgang Jörissen Jun 11, 2014
German Smartphone und Tablet – unverzichtbare Tools? - Wie haltet Ihr es mit der Erreichbarkeit? Nicht mehr telefonieren zu müssen ist ein Segen! Ach ja, die Erreichbarkeit. Als ich 1994 anfing,
war mir ein Handy noch zu teuer. Aber immerhin
hatte ich schon einen Anrufbeantworter. Und einen
Pager, den ich mir dann leistete. Irgendei
Wolfgang Jörissen May 7, 2014
CAT Tools Technical Help What free online CAT tool can I use with PPT? Memsource The free version of Memsource lets you handle one
file per project at a time, and PPT is among the
file types. Otherwise, if you just need a
temporary solution, you might one to try the te
Wolfgang Jörissen Apr 3, 2014
Money matters Can I avoid paying VAT Don't want to pay VAT? Easy! Just pack your stuff and move to a non-EU
Wolfgang Jörissen Mar 27, 2014
CAT Tools Technical Help Free, online CAT tool looking for beta testers More desireable formats to be supported [quote]Selcuk Akyuz wrote: [Quote]Supported
formats Word (all versions), PowerPoint (all
versions), Excel (All versions) Open Office (all
versions) , .txt, .rtf, XML (all versions),
Wolfgang Jörissen Dec 9, 2013
Déjà Vu support Deja Vu X2 keeps blocking Alternatively... Open the projects of that particular client,
change the database in Project > Properties >
Translation Memories and after that, use Project >
Send Project to Translation Memory (ALT+F12).
Wolfgang Jörissen Dec 9, 2013
CAT Tools Technical Help Free, online CAT tool looking for beta testers Predictive typing Any form of predictive typing included? How does
AmigoCAT handle subsegments? Can you get a view of
all files in a multi file project?
Wolfgang Jörissen Dec 9, 2013
Déjà Vu support Deja Vu X2 keeps blocking Repair Sometimes, it helps to compact/repair the TM or
even the project (back it up before you do so,
just in case). Switching off Autosearch for a
while also adds speed when you have to get on w
Wolfgang Jörissen Dec 9, 2013
Across support The end of Across Hear hear [quote]Andrzej Lejman wrote: Across has been
developed under specific philosophy, that is very
close to the way Germans are thinking.
[/quote] Don't insult us, człowieku ;-)
Wolfgang Jörissen Oct 6, 2013
Business issues What's your best rate? "Your best rate" = "Me and you do not fit" "Your best rate" is the buzzword that prompts me
to ignore the given job posting. And that is based
on experience. So far, none of the job posters who
used that line was able cq. willing t
Wolfgang Jörissen Sep 16, 2013
Déjà Vu support Size limitations in DejaVu X2 Workgroup? Wasn't there a 2 GB limit? As far as I know, the database engine still limits
the database size to 2 GB, but correct me if I am
wrong. Mine is now 1,90 GB and still going strong,
since 14 years. By the way, the numb
Wolfgang Jörissen Aug 7, 2013
Legal Across Language Service illegal? There might be a lot of reasons for not working with Across... ... but this one is the funniest I have ever
Wolfgang Jörissen Aug 7, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you worry about security issues if you work from public places (libraries, coffee shops, etc.)? I enjoy working in cafés etc. ... but I mostly use a VPN. Wolfgang Jörissen Jul 16, 2013
German Dolmetschen bei einer standesamtlichen Hochzeit Kein Akt Ich habe eine gedolmetschte standesamtliche
Hochzeit als Kunde (sprich Bräutigam) miterlebt
und habe natürlich im Vorfeld auch mit
Standesbeamten zu tun gehabt. Ich habe sie dabei
Wolfgang Jörissen Jul 10, 2013
Translator resources A new word count ratio tool Could be nice but does not work Could indeed be a nice tool to use as a help when
calculating a word rate in a language combination
that produces higher wordcounts in the target
language (PL-DE mostly works out this way
Wolfgang Jörissen Jul 7, 2013
CAT Tools Technical Help Is there a CAT tool with integrated OCR? Using FineReader If an OCR output is not suitable for translation
in CAT tools, don't necessarily blame it on
FineReader but learn how to use it more
efficiently. It does take some time and
Wolfgang Jörissen Jun 26, 2013
Dutch bankieren, bankkosten, belastingen Luxemburg Als je er bent, zou ik een uitstapje naar
Luxemburg maken. Dat is sowieso leuk maar er komt
nog bij dat je alleen een paspoort nodig hebt om
een bankrekening te openen. Kwestie van een
Wolfgang Jörissen Jun 13, 2013
Déjà Vu support Deja vu Urdu Tricks to avoid tags Sometimes, it helps if you save the file as rtf or
doc (instead of docx). Additionally, you can do
the presegmenting (and cleaning) in Trados 2007
(if you don not own that, the demo versio
Wolfgang Jörissen Jun 10, 2013
Déjà Vu support Deja vu Urdu Are all those tags relevant? I don't know what the source format of your text
is, but if it is a Word file with quite a few
unnecessary tags, you might as well remove them in
the target segment first (CTRL-Space), do
Wolfgang Jörissen Jun 7, 2013
Dutch Koningen van cheap ! - in de vertaalafgrond! Prima toch! 0,005 EUR per woord zakgeld, twee plakjes kaas,
een stukje brood en mijn 20 zweepslagen per dag,
zodat ik niet vergeet waar mijn plaats is...
vertalershart, wat wil je meer?
Wolfgang Jörissen May 28, 2013
Money matters Bank transfer charges, SEPA - query Procedures Yes, they are free, under the condition that you
follow the right procedure and you indicate IBAN
and BIC. Some people do not seem to know that,
with the consequence that they are being ch
Wolfgang Jörissen Apr 16, 2013
Dutch Internet buitenshuis Satelliet Aangezien ik toentertijd alle mobiele
internet-aanbiedingen te duur vond (althans, dat
was twee jaar geleden, misschien moet ik dat op
een gegeven moment herzien), heb ik in mijn
Wolfgang Jörissen Apr 12, 2013
Smart shoppers Best smartphone(s) for translators - suggestions needed You asked "for translators" I guess every smartphone these days is quite good
at manging e-mails etc. I am using an Android
phone myself and I am quite happy with the OS
itself. On the app side, there is not too much
Wolfgang Jörissen Mar 30, 2013
CafeTran support Can CafeTran process Wordfast Pro files To avoid any misunderstanings... This is what the CafeTran site says about the
price tag: The unlimited version of CafeTran
costs 80 EURO (about 100 USD). The license can be
installed on two computers (e.g. a desktop a
Wolfgang Jörissen Mar 16, 2013
Déjà Vu support Is Déjà Vu compatible with anything? XLIFF? [quote]kgeaney wrote: This is what I've been
doing up to now, but the last time that I just
ignored the tags and delivered a bilingual .rtf
table, the client complained that none of the t
Wolfgang Jörissen Feb 28, 2013
Déjà Vu support Is Déjà Vu compatible with anything? .rtf tables [quote]kgeaney wrote: - bilingual .rtf tables
still mean having to copy and paste all the tags.
[/quote] By no means. You just process it in
the tool of your choice and you copy-pas
Wolfgang Jörissen Feb 27, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you be able to teach the language(s) you work with? The answer I am missing here is... Yes, but hell why should I? Wolfgang Jörissen Feb 27, 2013
Déjà Vu support Is Déjà Vu compatible with anything? With a bit of flexibility on both ends, you could keep this client ... even without buying DVX. To answer your
question: No, it is not possible to work on or
produce a dvsat file without DVX. BUT: Bear in
mind that DVX produces several bilingual outputs
Wolfgang Jörissen Feb 27, 2013
Business issues Working for an agency that's not on the Blueboard No bad news might be good news The Blueboard is a good resource but let's face
it: it's not the Bible, as it is by no means
complete and there is no obligation or even
necessity for a translation agency to register
Wolfgang Jörissen Feb 26, 2013
Across support advantages and disadvantages across versions (LSP, personal edition, subcontractor edition) ProZ comparison tool in particular
across_personal_edition/107 ...might be a good
place to start finding out why Across has one of
the lowest ratings a
Wolfgang Jörissen Feb 25, 2013
Getting established Déjà Vu or Trados? Suggestions needed Support for SDL Trados 2007 It does, but you might need a demo version of SDL
Trados 2007. It is a vanishing format anyway.
Wolfgang Jörissen Feb 22, 2013
Déjà Vu support Handling Trados 2009-2011 in DéjàVu Presegmentation is a thing of the past Unless TTX or DOC/RTF files, SDLXLIFF files do not
have to be presegmented anymore. Just remember to
take them from the target folder. As for the TM,
I am afraid that Matthias is right.
Wolfgang Jörissen Feb 22, 2013
Getting established Déjà Vu or Trados? Suggestions needed Agencies might have a say, but you decide Personally, I have been using Deja Vu since 14
years, serving quite a large number of clients
requiring Trados formats in different versions. It
sometimes takes a bit of flexibility from b
Wolfgang Jörissen Feb 22, 2013
Déjà Vu support Handling Trados 2009-2011 in DéjàVu Unzip it? As far as I know, sdlppx files are just simple zip
archives, so just unzip it and take what you need.
Wolfgang Jörissen Feb 22, 2013
Business issues Good news: Agencies and translation tendering (EU) Tenders? No thank you! It might be just me, but an agency completely
unknown to me that approaches me out of the blue
to help them with their tender almost
automatically ends up on my shitlist.
Wolfgang Jörissen Feb 19, 2013
Software applications Does anyone hate TO3000? Using it but shopping around On the one hand, I like it, since it speeded up
and systematized my invoicing in comparison to my
previous method (working with selfmade spreadsheet
templates). Still, it does not satisfy
Wolfgang Jörissen Jan 26, 2013

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