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Search results: (78 matches)
Pronunciation Expert Accent-Identifier / L1-Identifier - Senegal I can help. I am capable of recognizing different French
accents and Senegalese ones as a native of
Senegal. Let me know what is your project and I
will let you know the possibilities of doing the
Cécile A.-C. Jul 26, 2023
French Salaire interprète indépendant Tout à fait raison, surtout ne pas succomber... à la tendance à revoir à la baisse. Les agences
le font toutes, elles veulent gagner toujours plus
alors que tu es celle qui fournit le travail.
N'ayant pas ou peu de concurrence surtou
Cécile A.-C. Mar 28, 2022
French Empouvoirement émanciper - émancipation Beaucoup diraient qu'émanciper est tombé en
désuétude... Ceci dit empourvoiement, faut
s'habituer, pas simple de s'y

[Edited at 2021-08-31 18:28 GMT]
Cécile A.-C. Aug 31, 2021
Business issues request to sign an agreement where I am asked to pay a fee of 5000 EUR if I infringe the GDPR clause Do not sign the document. Never heard of such a thing. I wouldn't sign any
document that requires paying back anything. You
do your job, the best you can, signing it will
provide a precedent in our profession. This
Cécile A.-C. Jun 25, 2021
French Auto-entrepreneur : Taux de changes et déclarations Voyez auprès d'un comptable... afin d'éviter toute erreur. D'ailleurs, soyez
vigilante car les chèques (aux US) ont souvent
une date limite pour les encaisser cela peut aller
de 30 à 90 jours, après ce délai les fo
Cécile A.-C. Dec 29, 2020
French Question about French translation for Mali and DRC Yes, it is the same. The localization may be needed for local
administrations or institutions, the langugage is
exactly the same but some regionalisms as Bristish
English to American English or Australian Engl
Cécile A.-C. Oct 28, 2020
French Traducteurs, sauvez votre métier avant que ce ne soit trop tard Le libre-échange ne permet pas d'imposer de tarif minimum. Les méfaits de la mondialisation et de
l'automatisation des tâches sont là pour rester.
Au risque de se battre contre vents et marées,
pourquoi ne pas faire valoir les bienfaits de la<
Cécile A.-C. Oct 13, 2020
Professional development Does MT improve the quality of your work? MT helps with speed not quality Since MT has built-in memory and glossaries
set-up, it turns out to be useful speedwise but
not necessarily in terms of quality of
translations. Many suggestions need to be
Cécile A.-C. Mar 30, 2020
French Nombre limite de langues de travail ? Chaque cas de figure est différent... On ne peut pas généraliser car chaque individu
possède un vécu, une expérience de vie
différente. On peut être né dans un pays,
parlant à la maison une autre langue ou d'autres
Cécile A.-C. Feb 19, 2020
French Regarder la télévision française et belge depuis l’étranger Avec un décodeur Roku... qui s'achète chez Best Buy aux E.U. tu peux
visionner TV5, France 2, 3 et pleins d'autres
Cécile A.-C. Aug 29, 2019
French Que faire pour la facturation en cas d'arnaque ? Perso, envoyez la facture sans vos coordonnées bancaires... Depuis 2010, je n'ai jamais eu d'impayé sauf
récemment un individu se présentant avec
l'entête d'une agence connue et bien côté sur
Blueboard mais avec une adresse gmail, je ne me
Cécile A.-C. Nov 27, 2018
Portuguese Português do Brasil e Português Europeu A mesma diferença do que o Inglês RU e US ou do Francês FR e Ca. Embora a necessidade de se aperfeiçoar numa
área, é muita mais fácil a adaptação do
Português EU para o Português BR do que aprender
um novo idioma totalmente diferente, mesmo que<
Cécile A.-C. Aug 27, 2018
Translation Theory and Practice Discussion: Application of Interpretive Theory in Modern Translation Totally agree if one wants to get a smooth read in the target language. Too often, some
translators remain tied up to references on the
Internet with little credibility on how it is
actually being used in the industry or trusting
Cécile A.-C. Dec 3, 2015
French Suis-je trop méfiante envers cette agence ? Il est vrai que leurs demandes sont exhaustives... et en plus elles exigent un type précis de TM ce
que je refuse puisque le mien est compatible avec
Trados, mais non ce n'est pas suffisant. Alors,
c'est non.
Cécile A.-C. Nov 3, 2015
Business issues Automated Machine Translation I truly believe so... large companies appear more inclined to pay for
revisions rather than translations, relying on
machine translation and getting the job done at
editing prices. I completely refuse to do any
Cécile A.-C. Oct 20, 2015
Subtitling Hard-to-price subtitling/translation job You have to charge per min. of video recording anywhere between Euro 4.00/min. to Euro 6.00/min.
depending on the subject matter (technical,
general) whether you have a script or not, and
clearness of the audio files. Ten minutes of
Cécile A.-C. Oct 14, 2015 job systems Enough is enough Things you can do... Get Pro certified, for more exposure (Pro
network), you can also use Wordfast anywhere which
is free and very accessible to CAT Tools
neophytes. Increase your feedback by doing a few
Cécile A.-C. Aug 13, 2015
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Capitalizing the words: article, resolution, standard, protocol, item, etc. In Romance Languages, the fewer the better... as Marco stated. Specific laws or articles because
of the uniqueness of their contents may be
considered proper nouns and as such

[Edited at 2015-08-13 14:02
Cécile A.-C. Aug 13, 2015
Translator resources Need to create doc outlining culturally sensitive issues Too broad... That is why machine translation will never be able
to replace human translation, and that only native
speakers can best translate into their

[Edited at 2014-10-15 17:07 GM
Cécile A.-C. Oct 15, 2014
Translator resources Wordfast vs Trados (and vice versa) I find Trados not intuitive and hard to grasp... expensive licenses and training, gave up. Love
Wordfast (all versions Pro, Classic, Anywhere) it
is easy, provides choices for everyone, Anywhere
is free on line. It's reasonably priced,
Cécile A.-C. Feb 6, 2014
French Le bureau de traduction ne paie pas et ne donne aucune nouvelle,.... Ne vous laissez pas faire ... Allez au Tribunal de Commerce de votre ville ou à
défaut le tribunal d'instance ou encore en ligne
sur le site
Cécile A.-C. Jan 21, 2014
Subtitling Subtitles in SRT files - productivity and word rate No, it is by minute You charge between US$3.50/mn with a script and
$4.00/mn without one for general conversation
subtitling if very technical it can be $4.50/mn
and $5.00/mm for someone with experience. For
Cécile A.-C. Oct 16, 2013
Translator resources Any advice regarding cellphone contracts for someone who travels a lot? I am in a similar situation and have not found anything worthwhile. I'd be
interested to know if there is anything out
Cécile A.-C. Oct 2, 2013
Business issues Have you ever seen an agency raising your rate spontaneously? That has happened to me once, recently. Very surprising, I only hope that this does not
hide something else.
Cécile A.-C. Oct 2, 2013
Money matters Payment link. PayPal payments are already accepted on my profile. But the client is asking for a link directly in my
Proz invoice. That's what I don't know how to
do. Thank you for both of your replies.
Cécile A.-C. Oct 1, 2013
Money matters Payment link. Hello, How do I create a payment link in an
invoice (PayPal) in this case ? A client is
asking me to do that but I don't know
how. Thanks for your help.
Cécile A.-C. Oct 1, 2013
Health and lifestyle for language professionals Health insurance in the United States Good question... I'd like to know too, haven't found any reasonably
Cécile A.-C. Apr 28, 2013
French Rouspétons contre les guillemets dans les forums Disons que l'on pressé sur les forums ou très occupé on ne fait pas vraiment attention, sinon en effet
ce serait désolant de voir cela dans des textes
de traduction. Ou bien y-aurait-il amalgame avec
Cécile A.-C. Jan 28, 2013
CAT Tools Technical Help Looking for cost-effective online collaboration solution Wordfast Anywhere I agree this is easy, no fees, no headaches
whatsoever, very effective and great technical
support as well. The best tool ever.
Cécile A.-C. Jan 18, 2013
Teaching and Learning Languages Article on pronunciation of final consonants in French I didn't talk about errors per say on your side ... I just find the approach very exhaustive to have
to remember all these tiny details and
exceptions. There are grammatical reasons that
are taught in the French primary school system
Cécile A.-C. Jan 17, 2013
Teaching and Learning Languages Article on pronunciation of final consonants in French Very exhaustive all these 'nic-nac' rules. As a teacher of French, I would present this in a
grounded approach that will provide learners
broader and reliable understanding of the concept
minimizing risk of errors in other areas t
Cécile A.-C. Jan 14, 2013
French Français québecois/de France et terminologie juridique on ne peut pas parler de deux langues... c'est la même langue avec des variantes en termes
d'expressions idiomatiques, de noms des
institutions et services gouvernementaux, ect..
qu'il est important de connaître lorsqu'on
Cécile A.-C. Jan 7, 2013
French Harcèlement à partir du profil Soyez ferme ! Bien sûr, alerter la police est la premiere chose
a faire. Mais surtout ne vous laissez pas
intimider. Envoyez-le bouler avec fermeté, ce
genre de prédateurs choisissent leurs victimes,
Cécile A.-C. Jan 6, 2013
French De l'aide pour une "Canadienisation" ? Ton analyse est correcte... les differences se situent surtout dans la langue
parlee ainsi que pour les institutions
administratives, qui changent pour tout pays,
quelqu'il soit. Mon experience en FrCA m'a value
Cécile A.-C. Oct 5, 2012
Linguistic diversity Brazilian Portuguese vs European Portuguese in the EU Not a real problem - differences are minor. It would be just like saying if British English or
American English were so drastically different ,
or European French and Canadian French. One needs
to adapt to one market or the other, b
Cécile A.-C. Aug 21, 2012
Interpreting Interpreting for court for the first time You have to start somewhere... and we all have gone through the fear factor and
lack of confidence. Review your terminology
database (you should know by now what type of case
you're interpreting) get as much information
Cécile A.-C. May 4, 2012
Translation Project / Vendor Management Agency treating freelancers like internal staff I systematically refuse those kinds of offers which are, as you said, ways to get all the
benefits of having staff at a very low rate. They
want to tie us down with little or no implication
on their part. One can expect more and more
Cécile A.-C. Apr 20, 2012
Translation Theory and Practice UK English, US English or Standard English? That is true for any language variant ... such as French (Canada, Belgium, Swiss, from
different countries in Africa) or Spanish (Spain
and South America) or Portuguese (Portugal and
Bresil or Africa). Translate for the specific
Cécile A.-C. Apr 9, 2012
Marketing for language professionals Facebook for Translators - research for article Facebook was initially designed for individuals not companies... There are media such as Linked and others that are
dedicated to professionals social networking,
there should be a difference between the two since
their purpose and showcase format are co
Cécile A.-C. Apr 5, 2012
Multilingual families Bilingual Grandchild That's what is called educating... Explaining when they are old enough to understand,
and do not make it bigger than it is until then.
Putting rules and more rules up has never worked,
plus we don't want societies that look
Cécile A.-C. Feb 20, 2012
Linguistic diversity French for Madagascar No, there isn't. Only some expressions are different for one
location to another in spoken or colloquial
language, as well as accents. In addition local
governmental institutions, policies and
Cécile A.-C. Jan 26, 2012
French Un anglais qui ne sait pas Bravo pour avoir écrit en français ... Il n'est pas certain que ceux de langue maternelle
française fassent aussi bien en anglais, donc
bravo pour avoir tenté. Cela dit, la traduction
exige en plus d'une bonne formation lingu
Cécile A.-C. Dec 8, 2011
French Un client peut-il porter plainte pour retard ? Il n'est pas question de soutien ici mais de réalité. Du moins de ce côté-ci de l'atlantique,
lorsqu'on a signé un contrat on doit assurer son
exécution même en cas de maladie à moins qu'une
clause stipule autrement. Le professionnel s
Cécile A.-C. Nov 16, 2011
Portuguese Jantar de colegas Lisboa Dezembro 2011 A muitos Powow pelo mundo Argentina, Brazil em dezembro e janeiro... Falta o dinheiro para fazer essas viagens... cada
vez escolhem uma parte dum mundo differente,
espero daqui pouco. A parte ruim do trabalho
on-line é essa solidão, ficar sentado tudo o
Cécile A.-C. Oct 30, 2011
French Dire, Ne pas dire Il ne faut pas vouloir tout régenter non plus... sinon on coupe court à la créativité d'où la
nécessité d'avoir recours à l'anglais surtout
dans les domaines commerciaux où tout va trop
vite. 'Performance' va très bien dans le c
Cécile A.-C. Oct 29, 2011
French Question sur les méthodes de paiement. Arnaque ou pas ? Contactée par cette même personne... c'est une arnaque, d'ailleurs un autre forum de
traducteurs a alerté ses membres les mettant en
garde contre cet individu. Si vous voulez je peux
vous faire suivre l'email en privé. D'ai
Cécile A.-C. Oct 23, 2011
French Une vraie question sur la langue des questions KudoZ pourquoi les 'askers'??? Ce qui m'insupporte par dessus tout c'est ce
franglais généralisé même le demandeur et la
modératrice. Soit on parle anglais, soit
français, commençons par respecter ces règles
Cécile A.-C. Oct 13, 2011
Business issues Lower fees Your profile is funny, Helena... Some individuals lack humor, and others are not so
uptight about what they do. So, that is life,
can't please everyone. For PDF files word count,
even when converting into Word it does not
Cécile A.-C. Sep 22, 2011
Italian Cat tools gratuiti o a prezzi moderati C'é anche Wordfast anywhere... E facile di uso e totalmente

[Edited at 2011-09-19 12:00 GMT]
Cécile A.-C. Sep 19, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice Impressive Number of Working Languages Some may work with a network of other free lancers .... Whether it be a free lancer or agency there is the
possibility to work with other collegues in sub
contracting their language pairs or voice over or
other competencies related to the busin
Cécile A.-C. Aug 17, 2011

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